Safety Management

Making safety a top priority in its management, POSCO DX strives to create a workplace that protects the safety and health of its employees and suppliers' workers.

Safety and Health Management Policy

Based on the CEO's safety and health policy, POSCO DX continuously supplements and improves workplace safety and health through the process of planning, implementation, inspection, and action to raise the level of safety and health activities. We also strive to create a safe and healthy workplace by running health promotion programs, such as improving the working environment and managing stress.

Safety and Health Management Policy

POSCO DX recognizes the 'safety' and 'health' of all people working together as the top priority of its corporate management and actively implements the following to create a safe and healthy workplace for all employees and stakeholders.

  1. We prioritize safety over all other values, including project duration, quality, and deadline.
  2. We share our safety and health goals and values with management, employees, and suppliers and their workers at all times and cooperate with each other in a win-win manner.
  3. We are clearly aware of and fully comply with health and safety laws and internal policy.
  4. We proactively identify and address health and safety risks on a regular basis.
  5. We continuously review and improve our health and safety work processes.
  6. We implement and participate in infectious disease prevention and health promotion activities.
  7. We ensure that workers can participate in and be consulted about health and safety activities.

Health and Safety Management System

POSCO DX has obtained ISO45001 and KOSHA-MS certifications to establish a safety and health management system based on international standards and has been selected as an excellent workplace for worker health promotion activities based on its efforts to improve the healthy life of its employees.

2023 Health and Safety Goals and Strategies

POSCO DX strives to build a unique safety and health culture where all employees and suppliers' workers can work in a safe environment based on the goal of zero major accidents and a TRIFR safety index of 0.39 or less to realize an accident-free workplace.

Safety With POSCO

Establish a safe and healthy workplace by internalizing company-wide safety
and health systems.


Zero major accidents,
and TRIFR safety index of 0.39 or less.

Key strategies
  • Establish autonomous prevention system.

  • Enhance field-centric safety audits.

  • Increase safety awareness and drive engagement.

  • Expand proactive occupational health activities.

Safety performance KPIs
  • Accident rate [Unit: %]
    KPI definition
    (Number of casualties / Number of full-time workers) X 100
    TRIFR goal for 2023: 0.39 or less
    Introduced the TRIFR Safety Index, which includes minor injuries to enhance proactive safety control.
  • Major casualties [Unit: Persons]
    KPI definition
    Major casualties
    Goal for 2023: 0 Person
Long-term KPI

TRIFR in 2024: 0.35,
TRIFR in 2025: 0.31 or below