Financial Information

We will try our best to become a trusted and respected company by working on clean and transparent management.

Financial Statement

Financial Statement
Type of Stock No. 34 (31.12.2022) No. 33 (31.12.2021) No. 32 (31.12.2020)
Ⅰ. Current assets 603,492 441,811 479,766
Ⅱ. Non-current assets 248,102 205,159 204,679
Total assets 851,594 646,970 684,445
Ⅰ. Current liabilities 431,131 275,743 288,478
Ⅱ. Non-current liabilities 6,470 12,023 26,004
Total liabilities 497,601 287,766 314,482
Ⅰ. Contributed equity 76,017 76,017 76,017
Ⅱ. Capital surplus 224,417 224,417 224,417
Ⅲ. Treasury shares -1,097 -1,097 1,097
Ⅳ. Accumulated other Comprehensive Income -2,104 -772 2,375
Ⅴ. Retained earnings 114,937 58,981 71,702
Ⅵ. Non-controlling interests 1,823 1,658 1,299
Total equity 413,993 359,204 369,963
Revenue 1,152,680 869,274 964,202
Operating Income 64,668 -19,477 26,087
Profit from continuing operations 45,851 -13,923 8,997
Profit from discontinued operations - - -
Profit 45,851 -13,923 8,997

[Unit: million won]